Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Happy Birthday Dear Self.

Dear Shaz.

Things might not be the way you want it to be this year, but just so you know Allah has way better plan for you.

Looking back at years that has passed, you've always wish for a job where you can feel belong. Now, you got what you wish for. You totally deserve it.

People around you keep asking about your jodoh. But you got no answer for that. Just be patient, Allah knows when is the right timing and who's the best for you.

There might be times that dealing with people is too much for you. It's ok to let it out..it's ok to cry..it doesn't mean you're weak.

Sometimes you're so hard on yourself, please don't.. everything takes time, so please be gentle with yourself.

I wish you nothing but the all the best things that life has to offer.

Moga hari² mendatang akan baik² saja.

Moga bonus nanti dapat 3 bulan gaji 😂

Moga gaji naik banyak sikit next year.

Moga juga dipertemukan dengan jodoh yang terbaik.

Happy Birthday dear self ❤️ 

Friday, April 26, 2024


If people around me wondering about my jodoh.

Well, just so you know it's not only you

Because me myself curious too 😂

And yet it's never in my priority list. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Random #1

Everyone move on with life. 

And I truly understand that.

Friday, January 12, 2024

POV : Ego

Kata mereka

Jadilah yang pertama menutur kata maaf 

Langsung dari itu dapat mencantum kembali dua hati yang terlalu lama menjauh

Andai saja semudah itu.

Biarlah dulu ..

Kata orang masa itu merawat luka

Mana tahu suatu waktu nanti aku yang menyerah.

Atau tak mustahil kau yang lebih dulu mengalah.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


I used to love reading..but somehow as time goes by, I lost the interest to read. 

Tak kira lagi berapa banyak buku yang aku beli di tahun² yang lalu, tapi terbiar tak dibaca. Yang pasti lebih daripada 10. Dan itu pun semua english novel genre thriller.

Novel melayu ? Lagi lah lama tak beli, sebab being me aku tersangat lah picky bab memilih novel melayu.

Me, when it comes to novel bahasa melayu :

1. Nama watak utama have to be a modern name. If not, then I will drop. Contohnya, kalau watak utama dalam novel tu diberi nama yang biasa or should I say common ? Ok contoh nama watak Azizah & Atan , tak kisah if novel tu hype ke bestseller ke I will not buy it. I don't know, it just a  turn off for me .

2. Gaya penulisan yang santai sebab aku benci novel yang gaya penulisan nya terlalu skema . Aku bukan nak baca literature.

3. Jalan cerita yang tak terlalu cliche. Kalau sikit² kahwin kontrak eh tak payah la. 

4. Font yang tak menyakitkan mata.

After all, no one can beat novel from Jemari Seni lagi² Hlovate. And also Syud.

I just miss reading the karya from these 2 actually. Tapi itulah tu, no news .

So bila² rasa nak membaca aku ulang je lah novel Hlovate / Syud ni je. Sebab itu je comfort reading aku.

Lagi satu benda yang paling aku benci adalah bila mana drg adaptasi novel yang aku baca into a drama / filem . Hancur langsung imaginasi aku ..memang lepas tu aku tak teringin nak baca novel tu balik 😒 sebab hello no actor kat Malaysia ni yang boleh represent watak² dalam novel yang aku baca. Tak kena langsung.

Contohnya novel I love you Stupid. Celah mana si MK tu boleh potray watak Firman ? Disgusting la..tapi itu la tu novel tu pun dah ada dalam collection orang lain yang tau meminjam tapi tak tau nak pulang 🙄